Adult Learning Faculty Updates, 2016

  • Sandy Bell was a key facilitator at the daylong, Women-in-Agriculture Programs for 21st Century Farms and Ranches Train-the-Trainer professional development program in. Portland, OR on November 29, 2016. Sandy lead participants in exploring research and best practices for supporting learning among beginning farmer and rancher women.
  • Grenier, R. S., & Collins, J. C. (2016). “Man, have I got a story for you…”: Facilitated Autoethnography as a potential methodology in HRD research. Human Resource Development Review, 15(3), 359-376.
  • Grenier, R. S., & Hafsteinsson, S. B. (2016). Shut up and be quiet: The promotion of public discussion of the 2008 financial crisis in Icelandic museums. In D. E. Clover, K. Sanford, L. Bell, & K. Johnson (Eds.), Adult Education and Museums: Social and Cultural Animation for Change. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.